Feedback Thoughts: Learning from Mistakes

Yesterday, i had a short Accounting quiz and our professor allowed to have a small discussion with my partner. I chose answer B and my partner chose A for the same question. I convinced her that the answer should be B. Then she changed her mind. Guess what? A is the right one. I've made a mistake. Now what?

Life-changing inspirational quote. Souce: Pinterest

 Life is not always perfect. As humans we make mistake all the time. Making mistake is how we can learn and grow. Some recognize the mistakes that they did and learn from that lesson and move on. The others try to hide them.

The two cases in the article You've make a Mistake. Now what? approve that sometimes making mistake is not a big deal if you can embrace it and change your reaction. As a result, Kathie, an associate-director of SEHN and Gergen, co-founder of, had gained trust and supportive from their colleagues and bosses again.

However, some people afraid of making mistake, so they avoid doing new things, because doing so make them feel horrible about themselves. Those people should think out of the box. A fixed- mindset could be holding you back- here how to change it  suggests that these people could struggle more. How can you become a doctor if you always afraid of making mistake, since a wrong decision can result a deadly consequence? The only way is that you should accept the risk and learning from those mistakes. It doesn't mean you can do whatever you want or can easy make careless mistake, you have to be training and working through the feedbacks.

Bonus point: About my partner, i apologized her after knowing what i did wrong for the question. She said "that's ok". However, she was sad a little bit because it would probably lower her grade.

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