Like many others, he reborn into a normal family in the Kapilavastu kingdom, ruled under the control of King Suddhodana. In a day of his reincarnation, the hermit Asita came to the king and report that the sky appeared the new stars, which appeared super shine. Asita said that there will be a supreme lord who his reborn will soon make this country better.
The King send his guards to find the newborn. What a strange coincidence that a whole kingdom just appear only one pregnant woman.
Buddha walked on a lotus. Picture from Wiki
Month passed, she gave birth to a boy, but unluckily, she died after that. The King soon adopted him and officially named him Prince Siddhartha. At the same day, all lotus flowers in the kingdom are flourishing, spread a soft aroma. Prince Siddhartha appeared healthy, and beautiful. He also appeared with a light pale pink nimbus, just like the color of the lotus. Anywhere he came, lotus was born, people was happy. The whole kingdom felt highly enthusiastic. The king decided to open the three days party to celebrate of his newborn. The King also brought the nature mother of Prince to the national Buddhist temple to worship.
Author's Note: Based on the Life of Buddha: The Birth of Siddhartha by Andre Ferdinand Herold, I changed the context a bit. The original version doesn't mention about the seven feelings and six root afflictions. Because of the limited in English, I can't take into account many things about Buddhism that I know. However, I believe that a Buddha should born in a normal way to understand a normal life.
In the story of Andre Ferdinand Herold, Maya, a Queen, dreamed about the elephant that entered to her womb. She then later pregnant, then born to Prince Siddhartha under the precious tree. She died about seven days later.
I add the lotus to the story because most of the Buddha i know (via pictures and movies), all sits and meditates in Buddha's throne made from lotus.
The hermit Asita heard about the birth of Siddhartha. He came to the king to see the Prince. He told that the Prince soon became a supreme Lord Buddha.