My storybooks favorites

I decided to choose randomly these three storybooks by choosing the first three stories from refreshing the assignment web page. I ended up really fascinating with my selections:
1. Tales of the Black Cat: Our folklore that handed down among generation said that black cat is the symbol of bad luck and evil. Therefore, as a kid, I feared the black cat. That is why it is grabbed my attention immediately. I can see vaguely in my mind that something horrible will happen with these teenagers when the story's just begun. In the legendary stories that I have been told, cats and foxes are the same at one point that they have nine lives, at least in Eastern culture. The story is horrible with sight of deaths, but it also evokes my curiosity to keep reading the story.
2. The Redemption Squad: I have never heard of this story before. This storybook is different to my knowledge about common legends. I enjoyed reading this story because its uniqueness aroused my curiosity. It constantly hooked my attention. The title reminds me about a movie, Suicide Squad, in which super villains like Ogre is being recruited for dangerous missions. In other part, the story surprises me that Lilith was the first woman in the earth, and Adam’s first wife, not Eve, and also the legendary behind Adam and Lilith.
3. Mermaids: The Eternal World of Water: This story’s plot is not like many other common legends that I have read about mermaids. The introduction intrigued me because of the beautiful and mysterious scenes. The story is not all about magical but filled with hatred and vengeance. When I was a kid, I've read a similar story to “The Little Mermaid”, the ending was a lot different and I cried after knowing at the mermaid turning into sea-foam. Those recently versions was changed so they have a happy ending ever after.

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